Opening times

Opening times

Opening times Summer Season 2017/2018

from March 22th to November 4th 2018
Madonna De Idris e San Giovanni in Monterrone – S. Lucia alle Malve –  S. Pietro Barisano:
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM every day

Matera Cathedral 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM every day

Opening times Winter Season 2018/2019

From November 5th to March 21th 2019
Madonna De Idris e San Giovanni in Monterrone – S. Lucia alle Malve –  S. Pietro Barisano:
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM every day

Matera Cathedral 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM every day

Guided tours

Contact us

For further information and booking:

+39 327 9803776
+39 345 9391659
+39 366 2230517


3 sites

€ 6.00
  • Madonna de Idris e S. Giovanni in Monterrone
  • Santa Lucia alle Malve
  • San Pietro Barisano

2 sites

€ 5.00
  • You can choose among:
  • Madonna de Idris e S. Giovanni in Monterrone
  • Santa Lucia alle Malve
  • San Pietro Barisano

1 Site

€ 3.00
  • You can choose among:
  • Madonna de Idris e S. Giovanni in Monterrone
  • Santa Lucia alle Malve o San Pietro Barisano

Matera Cathedral

Free Entrance
  • You can hire (€ 2,00) an audio guide with multilingual explanation of the historical features of the Cathedral

Reduced-price tickets

3 sites

€ 4.50
  • For children aged 7-14
  • Groups of at least 20 people
  • School groups*
  • Seniors over 70
  • University students
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • UNESCO/ICOM/FAI members
  • Families with children aged 7-18

2 sites

€ 3.50
  • For children aged 7-14
  • Groups of at least 20 people
  • School groups*
  • Seniors over 70
  • University students
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • UNESCO/ICOM/FAI members
  • Families with children aged 7-18

1 Site

€ 2.00
  • For children aged 7-14
  • Groups of at least 20 people
  • School groups*
  • Seniors over 70
  • University students
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • UNESCO/ICOM/FAI members
  • Families with children aged 7-18

Free entrance

Free entrance
  • Authorised tour guides (a valid card must be showed)
  • Children aged 0-6
  • The entrance to the Church Materdomini and Madonna delle Virtù la Nuova is free

Reductions and free entrance will be applied only if valid documentation is shown