Dear tourists fractals,
welcome / welcome back to our land in Basilicata and in our territory of Matera-Irsina!
Our land is rich in natural beauties but above all of humanity;
full of historical testimonies and artistic places, unique in their kind.
The city of the “Sassi”, Matera, is the most visible emblem with its countless rupestrian churches!
You can admire and enjoy the thrill of the sea on one side and the fertile hills of the hinterland on the other.
I wish you a happy and peaceful stay among us, restoring yourselves in body and spirit. It is a beautiful opportunity for everyone to think and rediscover that sense of humanity that must be recovered in interpersonal relationships:
the need is felt!
Our natural and artistic beauties will help you, I am sure to feel more intense the presence of God.

Pope Benedict XVI said:
“the holiday is certainly a beautiful and necessary thing, but if it does not find an inner center, it ends up being an empty time that does not reinforce and recreate”.

And Pope Francis, in the Encyclical “Laudato si”, reminds us:
“The whole material universe is a language of God’s love, of his boundless affection for us.
Soil, water, mountains, all is caress of God “(84)

Our parishes and churches, on the whole territory, are places where you can recharge yourself spiritually and enjoy their artistic beauty.
You are welcome!

Don Pino, Archbishop